Stealth Technologies is currently 100% owned by Australian Securities Exchange listed Company Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX:SOR). The Company welcomes the opportunity to discuss funding and partnership for Stealth Technologies with qualified parties that have valuable domain expertise and networks.
Strategic Elements Ltd
The Australian Federal Government has registered Strategic Elements as a Pooled Development Fund with a mandate to back Australian innovation. Strategic Elements operates as a ‘venture builder’ where it generates high risk-high reward ventures and projects from combining teams of leading scientists or innovators in the technology or resources sectors. Most investors in SOR pay no tax on capital gains from selling their SOR shares as the Company operates under a Federal Government program setup to encourage investment into innovation. The Company is listed on the ASX under the code “SOR”. More information on the Pooled Development Program should be read on the Company’s website at
More Information
Mr Charles Murphy
Managing Director
Phone: +61 8 9278 2788